視訊會議、網紅專業直播首選 iCam® 4K PTZ 自動追蹤遠距教學視訊會議四模直錄播攝影機 | Specialized production system for remedial classes, recording systems, transcript systems, recording and broadcasting systems, recording systems, recording systems, remedial systems, and transcript systems - BlueEyes Technology Group
iCam® 4K PTZ自動追蹤攝影機iCam® 4K PTZ自動追蹤攝影機iCam® 4K PTZ自動追蹤攝影機iCam® 4K PTZ自動追蹤攝影機
iCam 4K PTZ內建日本4K感光晶片

日本最新 4K 感光晶片

iCam 4K PTZ專業廣播HDMI界面

專業廣播 SDI/HDMI 界面

iCam 4K PTZ自動追蹤並跟隨老師


藍眼科技iCam® 4K PTZ是一款高畫質攝影機,擁有卓越功能、優秀性能、多樣的介面。先進的ISP處理技術和演算法確保圖像效果逼真生動、畫面均勻亮麗、光影層次感十足、清晰度優秀、色彩還原逼真。同時支援最智慧的H.265編碼與相容性最高的H.264編碼,先進編碼能在低頻寬環境下確保影像更加流暢、清晰。iCam® 4K PTZ攝影機具備強大的功能和廣泛的應用,可滿足不同場所的需求,包括遠距教學、教學直錄播、專業網紅直播、會議系統、遠距培訓、遠距醫療、法院庭審系統、災害應急指揮系統等。

藍眼科技 iCam® 4K PTZ 是一款高畫質攝影機,擁有卓越功能、優秀性能、多樣的介面。先進的 ISP 處理技術和演算法確保圖像效果逼真生動、畫面均勻亮麗、光影層次感十足、清晰度優秀、色彩還原逼真。同時支援最智慧的 H.265 編碼與相容性最高的 H.264 編碼,先進編碼能在低頻寬環境下確保影像更加流暢、清晰。iCam® 4K PTZ 攝影機具備強大的功能和廣泛的應用,可滿足不同場所的需求,包括遠距教學、教學直錄播、專業網紅直播、會議系統、遠距培訓、遠距醫療、法院庭審系統、災害應急指揮系統等。

  • DIY 安裝示意圖
  • 直播與遠距教學應用
  • 規劃指南
  • 注意事項
iCam 4K PTZ架構圖


iCam® 4K PTZ 攝影機展現了絕佳的真4K超高清畫質,其鮮明度和色彩都經過精心調校,確保每一像素都完美呈現。其寬度高達3840像素和高度2160像素,不僅是一般1080P的驚人4倍,更是720P的9倍和DVD的令人難以置信的24倍。選擇 iCam® 4K PTZ,就是選擇無與倫比的視覺饗宴,將您的視界提升到另一層次!

iCam 4K PTZ全景4K超高畫質


iCam 4K PTZ支援YouTube直播與遠距教學
iCam 4K PTZ支援facebook直播與遠距教學
iCam 4K PTZ支援Zoom直播
iCam 4K PTZ支援Cisco Webex直播與遠距教學
iCam 4K PTZ支援LINE直播與遠距教學
iCam 4K PTZ支援Skype直播與遠距教學
iCam 4K PTZ支援Google Meet直播與遠距教學
iCam 4K PTZ支援Microsoft teams直播與遠距教學

專為視訊會議、專業直播與遠距教學而設計.4K 超高畫質,畫面超銳利、音質最清晰。

iCam® 4K PTZ 攝影機支援多種直播會議平台,包括 YouTube 直播、Facebook 直播、Zoom 直播會議、Google Meet 直播會議、Microsoft Teams 直播會議、Cisco Webex 直播會議、LINE 直播會議、Skype 直播會議等等。其內建自動追蹤功能,可以自動跟隨教師的動態,提供更流暢、更自然的觀看體驗。

iCam® 4K PTZ 攝影機的自動追蹤功能可以實現教學直播和遠距教學,為教育教學帶來更多的靈活性和便利性。學生可以在任何地方觀看直播,無需到實際課堂上,而且可以在直播過程中隨時互動和提問,提高學習效果。

使用 iCam® 4K PTZ 攝影機進行直播教學,可以實現同步教學,創造無時差的如臨現場身歷其境學習體驗,使學生更加投入和專注。該攝影機還具有高清晰度和廣角視野等特點,可以為教學直播提供更清晰、更全面的影像效果,為學生提供更好的學習體驗。

OBS Studio 影音串流直播

iCam 4K PTZ支援OBS Studio免費影音串流直播工具

iCam® 4K PTZ 攝影機可以與直播專用的 OBS(Open Broadcaster Software)軟體結合使用,OBS 軟體是一個開放原始碼的直播和錄製軟體,提供場景組成、編碼、錄製和廣播等各項功能,可以幫助用戶在直播中實現更高水準的製作品質。iCam® 4K PTZ 攝影機可以在 Windows、Mac、或是 Linux 電腦上安裝 OBS 軟體,讓用戶可以更加靈活地控制和調整直播設置,提供更好的觀眾體驗。使用 OBS 軟體和 iCam® 4K PTZ 攝影機的組合,可以讓直播製作更加專業和高效。

Stream Yard 影音串流直播

iCam 4K PTZ支援Stream Yard影音串流直播工具

Stream Yard 是一個線上直播平台,它提供了多種實用的功能,例如多人視訊連線、屏幕分享、直播排程等,讓使用者能夠輕鬆地進行線上直播和互動。許多使用者都認為 Stream Yard 很好用,因為它非常容易上手,且提供了豐富的功能,可以滿足不同類型直播的需求。此外,Stream Yard 還有許多主題和佈景可供選擇,可以讓直播更加生動有趣。如果您需要一個簡單易用且功能豐富的線上直播平台,Stream Yard 是一個很好的選擇。

iCam® 4K PTZ 特色


採用如同精雕細琢的 SONY 高品質 CMOS 感測器,提供驚人的 829 萬像素,讓畫面每一個細節都以 4K 高清畫質清晰可見,彷彿身臨其境。

4K 清晰畫質

以 4K 解析度 3840×2160,每秒 30 幀的流暢畫面呈現,讓視覺效果逼真如現實,畫質清晰如同觀賞自然景物般生動。

12 倍光學變焦

具備 12 倍光學變焦,視角達 70 度,如同鷹眼般精準捕捉遠近細節,無論多遠或多近的畫面都能完美呈現。



低雜訊 CMOS

採用低雜訊 CMOS,確保超高信噪比,搭配 2D/3D 降噪技術,畫質提升如同魔術般,讓每個影像都栩栩如生。


提供 HDMI、SDI、USB 3.0 和有線 LAN 等多樣化視訊輸出介面,如同萬能連接器,滿足各種設備連接需求。

POE 供電支援

支援 POE 供電,USB 3.0 具備雙碼流功能,如同智慧電力分配中心,提高連接的便利性和靈活性。


廣泛支援 YUY2、MJPEG、H.264、H.265 等多種視訊編碼格式,如同多語言翻譯機,無縫兼容各種編碼需求。


音訊輸入支援 AAC、MP3、G.711A 編碼,提供多種採樣頻率選擇,如同專業錄音室,讓音質清晰而豐富。






超級靜音雲台設計,低功耗休眠功能,多達 255 個預設點,如同智慧機器人,安靜高效地完成各種任務。

AI 人形追蹤

iCam® 4K PTZ 攝影機內建 AI 晶片,實現精準的人形追蹤功能。無論老師在台上如何移動,攝影機自動偵測並平順跟隨老師,確保每一刻都在鏡頭中完美呈現,讓您的教學更有魅力。

AI 人形追蹤


無人控制下,老師上台後,iCam® 4K PTZ 偵測老師位置,自動切換板書畫面



無人控制下,老師上台後 iCam® 4K PTZ 自動追蹤,鏡頭跟隨老師



無人控制下,AI 人形追蹤通過網頁點選人物相框的方式切換追蹤對象。

iCam 4K PTZ 可單機多人追蹤


無人控制下,iCam® 4K PTZ 多機追蹤不同對象,不會錯亂。

iCam 4K PTZ 可多機追蹤多人

CC3000 攝影機控制器

攝影機控制器 CC3000 是一款功能強大且多用途的設備,專為攝影機操作和控制而設計。它支援多種通訊協定,包括 ONVIF、VISCA、序列 VISCA、PELCO-D/P 等,讓您可以輕鬆地與不同品牌和型號的攝影機進行通訊。此外,CC3000 配備了 RJ45、RS422 和 RS232 控制端子,最多可同時控制 255 部攝影機。獨特的控制代碼學習功能允許用戶自行修改控制代碼指令,而且 RS485 上的任何設備都可以單獨設定不同的通訊協定和波特率。此外,CC3000 還具有 LCD 顯示螢幕、按鍵聲音提示,以及即時顯示解碼器和矩陣工作狀態的功能。無論您是在攝影棚、會議室還是其他場所使用攝影機,CC3000 都是一個可靠且方便的選擇。最大通訊距離為 1200 公尺。此外,攝影機的參數可以通過按鈕操作進行設定,而 4D 搖杆則可實現可變速控制。金屬外殼和矽膠按鍵設計使其更加耐用且易於操作。


iCam® 4K PTZ 功能


iCam® 4K PTZ 具有媲美 DV 攝影機的超高畫質,iCam® 4K PTZ 是工業用設計非常適合長時間運作,iCam® 4K PTZ 架設在教室裡,許多教育單位都幾乎忘記它的存在,非常穩定且不用維護。

iCam® 4K PTZ 的畫面捕捉速度從 iCam® 提升一倍。iCam® 4K PTZ 拍攝老師上課,畫面不會拖影,順暢度如欣賞數位電影一般。

iCam 4K PTZ極速攝錄.影像畫質超極真


iCam® 4K PTZ 可搭配 SCT,上課老師使用手機就可以控制錄影的進行,有效掌握課程的進行,並省下許多後製的時間。

SCT 的發明,真正將上課錄影的控制權交付給上課老師。一鍵式的簡單設計,不會增加老師任何負擔,上課按一下、休息按一下、下課按一下,配合 iCam® 4K PTZ 獨創使用情境,凡使用過的老師都愛不釋手。由老師親自控制的錄影,省下非常多人工後製的時間,錄下的影片才是精華。

iCam 4K PTZ遠端無線遙控.攝錄彈指之間

極淨 Noise Clear.最舒適降噪

iCam® 4K PTZ 內建最新的 Noise Clear 降噪技術,能呈現最舒適的聽覺饗宴。

過去,教育單位只追求較高畫質錄影,等到建置完成後才發現音質不佳。其實,聲音比影像更為重要,學生的耳朵是非常敏感的,老師聲音不乾淨、聲音斷斷續續或雜音等干擾都會影響學生的學習。為此,iCam® 4K PTZ 使用新一代的 Noise Clear 技術,不只將畫質提升到超高畫質,更為錄課音質樹立全新的典範。

iCam 4K PTZ極淨 Noise Clear.呈現最舒適音頻


iCam® 4K PTZ 經過數百多家教育單位的實際使用與見證,不論是使用黑板、白板、電子白板或投影機等都拍攝地非常清楚,這是一般攝影機無法做到的,尤其是拍攝電子白板或投影機時,因為照度對比太大,常常調整到書寫板清楚了,但老師的臉部表情看不到,因為畫面上一片黑。

用 iCam® 4K PTZ 拍攝電子白板或投影機時,您會訝異 iCam® 4K PTZ 優異的低照度性能,除了書寫板上的文字清晰外,老師的臉部表情也是一清二楚,非常容易辨識,再也不會發生像是英語老師在示範會話發音時,學生看不到老師嘴型的窘境。

iCam 4K PTZ影像畫質細膩.重現真實人物

高傳真音質,AAC 技術壓縮

AAC 是知名杜比實驗室提供的技術,是一種高壓縮比的編碼算法,Apple music 上有大量採用 AAC 音頻,同碼率下音質優於 MP3,iPhone 進行藍牙傳輸時就是使用 AAC 編碼。

如果教室內已有廣播音響系統,iCam® 4K PTZ 亦可外接擴大機的音源輸出,收音後與高畫質影像同步壓縮,達到全時影音同步與清澈的聲音品質。

iCam 4K PTZ完美 38mm.環場立體收音


iCam® 4K PTZ 採用日本進口專業鏡頭,有別於台灣、韓國或中國大陸的鏡頭,日本鏡頭拍攝的畫面最真,能夠創造出如臨現場的真實感,但也因為價格最貴,市場上鮮少有攝影機搭配日本鏡頭使用。


iCam 4K PTZ日本進口高品質專業攝影鏡頭


藍眼科技吸取電視台與電影的拍攝手法,創造出最適合教育單位的 iFollow® 自動追蹤多機拍攝技術,解決過去常發生的旋轉拍攝造成觀看學生頭暈,自動對焦攝影機的每次重新對焦造成學生眼花等問題,將錄課直播系統引領至新境界。

iFollow® 利用多支 iCam® 4K PTZ 數位攝影機,從不同角度或不同方位進行固定式拍攝,系統會自動追蹤老師位置,藉由藍眼科技首創的分鏡混編技術,快速生成完美的教學影片。iFollow® 多機拍攝技術已成功運用在許多大型教育單位,非常推薦在乎攝影品質的您使用。

iCam 4K PTZ多機拍攝零死角.創新學習全方位



iCam® 4K PTZ 是專門針對教育市場、教學錄影設計的工業用攝影機,特別的是 iCam® 4K PTZ 會自動在老師撰寫的字跡外圍描繪出細小對比邊線,這是一項非常獨特的技術!因為您不用在乎使用的是黑板還是白板,也不需要任何設定或調整,iCam® 4K PTZ 會自動偵測環境,拍攝效果都是一級棒!

iCam 4K PTZ獨創字體強化.書寫板清晰易讀

SONY® Exmor 最新感光元件

iCam® 4K PTZ 使用最新一代 Sony Exmor CMOS 背面照明技術感光元件,改善了傳統 CMOS 感光元件的感光度。Sony Exmor CMOS 採用了和普通方法相反、向沒有佈線層的一面照射光線的背面照射技術,由於不受金屬線路和晶體管的阻礙,開口率(光電轉換部分在一個像素中所佔的面積比例)可提高至近 100%。與其以往 1.75μm 間隔的表面照射產品相比,背面照射產品在靈敏度(S/N)上具有很大優勢。

Sony Exmor CMOS 的出現,將傳統對於像素的追求引深到對於畫質和細節的體現。革命性的物理結構,優秀的硬件指標和實拍表現,巨大的升級空間。

iCam 4K PTZ純粹 SONY® Exmor 最新感光元件


iCam® 4K PTZ 使用的先進的影像處理與識別晶片,將高畫質多通道系統的所有捕獲、壓縮、顯示以及控制功能完美整合於單晶片之上。這款業界最佳的 SoC 可顯著提高高畫質視訊的預處理與後處理功能,實現前所未有的視訊性能,從而能夠以更低的位元率支援更高品質的視訊,滿足視訊安全與視訊通信應用的需求。

iCam 4K PTZ先進的影像處理與識別晶片(DSP)


iCam® 4K PTZ 攝影機採用 12 倍光學與 15 倍數位縮放且視角高達 70 度的光學變焦鏡頭。iCam® 4K PTZ 攝影機內建高階對焦算法確保鏡頭能夠快速、精確、穩定地自動對焦。水平轉動向左 170 度、向右 170 度,合計 340 度大範圍,俯仰上下轉動向下 30 度、向上 90 度,水平控制速度最快高達每秒 60 度,俯仰控制速度最快高達每秒 45 度。

iCam 4K PTZ全功能攝影機


iCam 4K PTZ攝影機安裝方式


iCam® 4K PTZ 是一款市場上最新四模輸出攝影機,內建 Gigabit 高速傳輸網路、USB 介面、3G-SDI 輸出、HDMI 輸出、標準 3.5mm 音源輸入、RS232 端子 、RS485/RS422 端子

iCam 4K PTZ背板


iCam® 4K PTZ 攝影機有別於傳統攝影機,採用日本 SONY® 高階影像感測器,搭配日本進口超廣角、無畸變的防眩光專業攝影鏡頭,無論是黑板、白板、投影機、電視、觸控螢幕等皆可清晰真實拍攝。





SES錄影軟體 SES® 錄影軟體

SES® 是目前市場上最完整功能最強大的上課錄影系統軟體,可同時針對6間教室或6支數位攝影機錄影,每路影像畫質高達 Full HD 超高解析度與 CD 等級清澈音質。

SES® One錄影軟體 SES® One 錄影軟體

SES® One 是目前市場上最簡單最容易使用的上課錄影系統軟體,可同時針對1間教室或1支數位攝影機錄影,每路影像畫質高達 Full HD 超高解析度與 CD 等級清澈音質。

SVR錄影軟體 SVR 錄影軟體

SVR 是目前補課系統市場上最最普遍使用的上課錄影系統軟體,可同時針對20間教室或20支數位攝影機錄影,每路影像畫質高達 Full HD 超高解析度與 CD 等級清澈音質。



紅外線遙控器 紅外線遙控器


攝影機控制器(CC3000) CC3000 攝影機控制器

CC3000 控制器支持多種協定和端子,可靈活控制 255 台攝影機。具備 LCD 顯示、4D 搖杆,操作靈敏耐用。最大通訊範圍達 1200 公尺,適應廣泛應用。

喇叭訊號衰減器(HLC) HLC 喇叭訊號衰減器



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紅外線遙控器 紅外線遙控器

控制1支 iCam® 4K PTZ 攝影機

攝影機控制器(CC3000) CC3000 攝影機控制器

控制255支 iCam® 4K PTZ 攝影機

iCam Live軟體 iCam® Live 軟體

控制1支 iCam® 4K PTZ 攝影機

Matrix軟體 Matrix® 軟體

控制6支 iCam® 4K PTZ 攝影機

SES錄影軟體 SES® 軟體

控制6支 iCam® 4K PTZ 攝影機

SES One錄影軟體 SES® One 軟體

控制1支 iCam® 4K PTZ 攝影機

SVR錄影軟體 SVR® 軟體

控制20支 iCam® 4K PTZ 攝影機



* 欲達成以下收音方式,請選購合適麥克風。

外接麥克風 外接式

監聽麥克風 監聽式
頭戴式麥克風 頭戴式

手持式麥克風 手持式

領夾式麥克風 領夾式

耳掛式麥克風(隱形麥克風) 耳掛式
頸掛式麥克風 頸掛式

懸吊式麥克風 懸吊式





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Before purchasing, please read and agree to the following terms and notices in detail:

  1. The company reserves the right to modify the product specifications or related information mentioned above.
  2. Any modifications or changes to the product specifications or related information mentioned above will be made without prior notice.
  3. If there are changes to the appearance of the hardware equipment, we reserve the right not to notify, provided that the function and performance are not affected.


  1. The iCam® 4K PTZ Camera has a built-in audio input, and the terminal port is an international standard dual-channel 3.5mm linear input terminal.
  2. You can use the teaching broadcast audio system to output sound to the iCam® Max 4K Camera, such as: MIPRO® or CHIAYO® , etc.
  3. You can use wireless microphones for audio capture, such as: RODE® Wireless Me , RODE® Wireless GO II Single , DJI® Mic 2 , or SONY® UWP-D11 , etc.
  4. If the lecturer does not wish to hold or wear a microphone, you can install an omnidirectional microphone. Please contact BlueEyes Technology for purchase. For installation precautions, please refer to Microphone Installation Principles .
  5. When using musical instruments, it is recommended to use professional instrument recording equipment to achieve the best sound quality, such as: JTS® , etc.
  6. When recording multiple audio sources, it is recommended to use a mixer for better results and easier balance adjustment.
  7. The quality of sound transmission depends on the quality of cables and terminals. It is recommended to use high-quality, interference-resistant isolated machine materials and terminals. If you find noise, electric current sound, or low-frequency sound when using, it is mostly caused by cables and connection terminals.

HDMI Output:

  1. The iCam® 4K PTZ Camera has a built-in HDMI output, which can output high-definition images and sound through HDMI.
  2. The HDMI format is 1080P@30fps.
  3. The quality of HDMI transmission depends on the quality of cables and terminals. It is recommended to use high-quality, interference-resistant isolated machine materials and terminals. If you find noise, electric current sound, or low-frequency sound when using, it is mostly caused by cables and connection terminals.

3G-SDI Output:

  1. The iCam® 4K PTZ Camera has a built-in 3G-SDI output, which can output high-definition images and sound through 3G-SDI.
  2. 3G-SDI has a maximum transmission speed of 2.97Gb/s and supports up to 1080P resolution.
  3. SDI (Serial Digital Interface) is a technology that transmits images and audio simultaneously over a single cable. It has the same purpose as the commonly used HDMI but is more reliable and stable, making it more suitable for professional videographers. It is also the most commonly used cable among today's professional videographers.
  4. SDI can transmit images and audio over longer distances. Generally, HDMI can only be used within 30 meters. If long-distance transmission is needed, signal boosters or extenders are required. SDI can transmit up to 100 meters at 1080 60p. Moreover, common SDI cables use BNC connectors with safety lock functions to prevent accidental disconnection or poor contact during long-distance transmission.

USB Output:

  1. The iCam® 4K PTZ Camera has a built-in USB 3.0 output, which can output high-definition images through USB.
  2. The length of the USB cable is recommended to be within 5 meters. If it exceeds, please use a USB 3.0 active (Type-A male to Type-B male) extension cable. Click here to find available cables .
  3. It is recommended to use a single USB cable without connecting multiple cables together. If your computer shows a notification that the hardware device cannot be recognized, it means that the transmission quality and compatibility of your USB cable are poor. It is recommended to replace it with a higher-quality USB cable.
  4. The quality of USB transmission depends on the quality of cables and terminals. It is recommended to use high-quality, interference-resistant isolated machine materials and terminals. If you find that USB cannot be detected when using, it is mostly caused by cables and connection terminals.
  5. For laptops or desktops connected via USB, it is recommended to use the latest Microsoft Windows 11 operating system to avoid driver compatibility issues.
  6. Please use the built-in microphone or external microphone for laptops or desktops. If there is a broadcasting audio system on-site, please connect the amplifier or mixer audio output (Line out) or recording output (Rec out) to the audio input (Line in) of the laptop or desktop.

Control Communication Protocols:

  1. The iCam® 4K PTZ Camera supports multiple communication protocols such as VISCA, PELCO D/P, and ONVIF.
  2. VISCA is a protocol defined by SONY®. Manufacturers can develop hardware and software to control the image system via RS232. VISCA allows control of multiple cameras.
  3. PELCO® is a monitoring camera manufacturer in the United States. Due to its early leadership in the surveillance field, the PELCO transmission control protocol is widely used in the market and can be controlled by other devices such as computers or joysticks (RS485).
  4. ONVIF (Open Network Video Interface Forum) is a global open forum jointly established by Axis®, Bosch®, and Sony®. It is an important international standard in the current surveillance industry, aiming to promote the integration of network video surveillance equipment of different brands and help manufacturers, software developers, and independent software vendors ensure interoperability between products.

Live Streaming Meetings:

  1. The iCam® 4K PTZ Camera can use a USB cable to connect to a computer for Zoom®/Google Meet®/Microsoft Teams®/Webex® live streaming meetings.
  2. Before conducting a live streaming meeting, please confirm that the resolution or image quality settings of the meeting software are set to HD or above 720P. Click here to learn how to set live streaming meetings to high definition.

Audio and Video Compression Formats:

  1. The iCam® 4K PTZ Camera has built-in H.264 and H.265 audio and video compression, which can be switched arbitrarily.
  2. When using H.265 compression, the recorded video can be edited using our company's Montage® Software (version or above) or iFS® Software (version or above), but cannot be edited using commercial post-production software. If post-production is required, it is recommended to use the H.264 compression format or convert the H.265 video to H.264.


  1. The network terminal socket is RJ-45.
  2. The network speed is 10/100 Mbps Ethernet.
  3. It is recommended to use Cat.5 network cables with crosstalk and noise protection.
  4. It is recommended to use a network switch with 16 ports or more, such as: TP-LINK® TL-SG1016D .

Network Architecture Principles:

  1. All devices are connected to a single network switch.
  2. Regardless of the scale, at least a 16-port or 24-port network switch should be used.
  3. If there are fewer than 24 network cables, a general unmanaged network switch can be used.
  4. If there are more than 24 network cables, use a managed network switch.
  5. If you need to connect two 24-port switches in series, remember to use a network switch with stacking (trunk) function.


  1. Because the iCam® 4K PTZ uses the latest Giga bidirectional protocol network chip, it requires a high-end managed network switch to be used in conjunction. If you are using a general network switch or hub, it is recommended that you first cut off the 8th pin (brown) in the RJ-45 connector of the network cable to avoid instantaneous network disconnection issues.
  2. When using USB and network image output simultaneously, such as when SES® host recording and USB live streaming are performed at the same time, if there is screen delay or stuttering, please first disable the image output function (turn off HDMI image output).

Usage Range:

  1. To prevent damage to this product or any products connected to it, this product can only be used within the specified range.
  2. Do not expose this unit to rain or moisture.
  3. To prevent the risk of electric shock, do not open the casing; installation and maintenance can only be performed by qualified technicians.
  4. Do not use under conditions exceeding the specified temperature, humidity, or power specifications.
  5. When cleaning the camera lens, please use a dry soft cloth to wipe it. If the dirt is severe, use a neutral detergent to gently wipe it. Do not use strong or corrosive cleaners to avoid scratching the lens and affecting the image quality.
  6. To avoid fire or short circuit, do not place this unit where it may come into contact with rain or moisture.
  7. Do not place any objects that may drip or fall into the machine on the unit.
  8. Please secure this unit properly; do not place it in an unstable location to avoid damage caused by falling.
  9. Ensure good ventilation of this unit; do not cover the heat dissipation holes, which may cause poor heat dissipation.
  10. When cleaning this unit, please use a dry cloth to wipe it; do not use cleaners.
  11. Please use original accessories and power supplies; do not use other substitutes to avoid damaging the machine.
  12. To avoid fire or short circuit, do not use extension cords or share the same socket with multiple electrical products; do not disassemble the machine's outer cover to avoid damaging the machine.
  13. Please ensure proper grounding to prevent lightning strikes that may damage the machine.
  14. When there is thunder outdoors, please unplug the camera's power, network, audio, video, and other connectors to avoid product damage caused by lightning strikes. Lightning damage is considered a natural disaster and is not covered by our company's warranty.
  15. Do not attempt to repair it yourself or have unqualified personnel perform repairs or replacements. If you have any questions, please contact our company or dealer.
  16. This processor and accessories have passed safety tests, and any harmful interference and radiation to the human body are within standard values.

Careful Installation:

  1. Do not manually rotate the product's lens barrel, as this may damage the structural shaft or cause signal line abnormalities.
  2. The equipment should be installed level and stable; do not install the product at an angle, or the image may be skewed.
  3. Ensure there are no obstacles within the rotation range of the pan-tilt during installation to prevent damage to the structural shaft.
  4. Do not power on before completing all installation work.
  5. Improper operation may damage the product's structure, causing the camera to malfunction.
  6. When moving the camera, do not grasp the lens barrel with your hand; use both hands or one hand to support the bottom of the camera for movement.
  7. Regardless of whether it is powered on or not, do not shake the lens and pan-tilt by hand, as this may damage the pan-tilt and cause the camera to fail self-check and not start normally.

Do Not Disassemble Arbitrarily:

  1. This product does not contain any user-serviceable parts. Damage caused by user disassembly is not covered by the warranty.

Other Matters:

  1. Our company reserves the right to modify, adjust, change, suspend, or terminate this product. If there are any unaddressed matters, they will be handled according to our company's relevant regulations or explanations and may be supplemented and announced at any time.

24 小時報價系統
